Nina G

First Nuclei
Where do you live?

British Columbia, Canada

What type of work have you done?

I have owned a previous business for the past 30 years before starting AASHAD. I have served as president for several years and was part of starting Kelowna Atheists, Skeptics & Humanists Association.  I have also worked with kids, given parenting courses, facilitated restorative justice circles, and have worked with several other non-profit groups.

How would you identify yourself in terms of religion/spirituality?


What are some of your reasons for creating AASHAD?

I had been living in a place which prided itself in being some sort of alternative spiritual belly button. It was hard to attend any sort of function where people weren’t extolling the virtues of being unvaccinated and taking homeopathic sugar pills for cancer. Creating AASHAD was a method of creating skeptical and irreverent swag and it is just fun to be creative.

A lot of items for the AASH community seem to be very confrontational, or there are a lot of quotes from the same people.

With AASHAD, it is exciting to create new designs and to platform important voices that are not often quoted, or thought of as being part of the Atheist, Agonistic, Skeptic, and Humanist community.

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